About Me

About Me

This website was originally set up to display some of my photographs. As it has developed, I have posted a bit of information about my life to date - probably boring to most people, but I have had fun writing it. See the links on the right of this page. 

I had a fairly conventional childhood, and attended St Andrews School in Rochester, Kent, followed by Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School, also in Rochester. Having decided I was going to be a scientist, I studied physics at Leicester University, graduating in 1972.

So what do you do with a physics degree when there is an economic downturn and no one is hiring scientists? Easy - you become an accountant. I worked in the public sector and after qualifying as a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy in 1976, slowly but surely worked my way up the greasy pole to become a local authority finance director in 1988. I have worked for various public bodies, including the Greater London Authority when it was set up in 2000. That meant I was working for Ken Livingston. Interesting times!

I ended up in the Midlands, living in Coventry. I took early retirement in 2007, since when I have done a number of things, including being an unpaid director of a community interest company and a co-opted member of a housing association. I also became a non-executive director of University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust; I was appointed in December 2008 for a 4 year period, and reappointed for a further term in November 2012. I left my non-executive role in June 2015, but continued my relationship with the Trust as the Lay Chair of their Consultant Appointment Panel, for a further year. From January 2011 to June 2017 I was the Independent Member of the Audit and Risk Committee of Ofqual, the national examinations regulator (a very interesting gig, particularly since the GCSE English "storm" of summer 2012). 

On the work front, I returned to employment in 2013 working part time for the Gambling Commission on a fixed-term contract, which ended in May 2016.

My wife retired in July 2016, and we now live in Northumberland.

Photography has been one of my hobbies for a long time, and this is what led me to develop this website. Click here for my photo gallery.

I have had a lifelong interest in music and still take great delight in going to gigs. In the recent past, I have been to some really good concerts, such as Richard Thompson (several times), Crosby Stills and Nash (a few times), Fleetwood Mac, Sting and Paul Simon (together), Queen, Paul McCartney and James Taylor.   Most recently, after covid lockdown ended, I saw Yes, on their Close to the Edge 50th Anniversary Tour, which was amazing (and 50 years since I first saw that piece played live).  Later this year (2023), we are off to see Peter Gabriel in Birmingham.

More details in My Music..

In 2017 I started a Masters Degree in Astrophysics, part-time by distance learning. I left that course when it got a bit boring, and started a Masters in Space Science with the OU.  More details in 
My Studying..

Because of my interest in astronomy, I became involved with the Kielder Observatory in Northumberland. This is a wonderful astronomical observatory which specialises in public outreach work, with a wide range of sessions open to all. It is located at the top of a mountain in Kielder Water and Forest Park, where there are many opportunities for seeing a wide range of astronomical objects, using quite powerful telescopes. I was originally going to be a volunteer, but have instead become a Trustee Member of the Board.  As I am a qualified accountant they decided to make me Treasurer. Talk about being typecast!

I am also a Trustee and current Chair of Alnwick u3a (university of the third age).

My other main interests are 
travelling, reading and playing with computers. Sometimes I can do all 3 at once!

I have recently discovered and been fascinated by the 
ErdÅ‘s-Bacon-Sabbath project which studies the connections between science, performing arts and music. More details are in My EBS Number. To give some examples, Condoleeza Rice's EBS number is 13, Einstein's would have been 11, Brian Cox's is 12, Thomas Edison's would have been 17, Brian May's is 9, Simon Singh's is 10, Colin Firth's is 11 and Stephen Hawking's is 8. Mine is 15. Which I find both gratifying and surprising. 

Finally, just a tiny bit about family. I am married and have three daughters, who are (as at January 2023) aged 49, 38 and 26. My wife is a solicitor and worked for the Government until her retirement in 2016. No.1 daughter lives in Hertfordshire; No.2 lives in Hertfordshire and is now the mother of my grandchildren , born in February 2016 and September 2018; No. 3 is a university graduate, with a degree from a university in Canada, and a Masters from a uk university. Currently working remotely for a Canadian firm.

The latest additions to the family are Milo, a Jack Russell cross, and CeCe, also a Jack Russell cross, and Milo's mum.

[updated 24/01/23]

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