My Travels

My Travels

I was a late starter when it comes to traveling. When I was a child we tended to go to holiday camps, such as Butlins and Pontins, and apart from a day trip to Calais in 1961 and a 2 week school coach tour of Switzerland in 1963, I did not travel abroad until 1987 when we had a driving holiday in Brittany. I didn't have my first flight until I was 37, and that was a business trip! My then-wife was not a great traveller, but my now-wife (is there such a word?) loves travelling and we have had some great holidays, all of which offer good photo opportunities.

We have been to the USA many times (in total I have been about 26 times, most recently Florida in summer 2012). In 2009 we had a fly drive holiday in Alaska and I have some good photos from that trip in the 

Other memorable trips include Egypt, Jordan, Peru, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Dubai, Mauritius (where we got married), Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and India. In very early planning stages are China, Laos, Cambodia (again - I want to take photos of Angkor Wat with a better camera than when I went the first time), Equador (including the Galapagos Islands) and Chile. We went to Canada in 2013 (Ontario and Quebec) and again in 2014, to settle our daughter into university in British Columbia. My wife and I took a cruise up and down the Norwegian coast in November 2014. We saw the Northern Lights 8 nights in a row. Amazing!

Our most recentr trip was to Washington DC (September 2015), and we have booked a trip to Kerala (Southern India) in 2016. We were going to go to China and Japan in 2016, but that has been deferred to 2017 for logistical reasons. I am also at outline planning stage for a South East Asia trip for 2018 - Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam.

We have also had a lot of city breaks, including Amsterdam, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Madrid, Prague, Paris, Rome and Barcelona. In 2012 my wife and youngest daughter had a 5 day trip to Rome (in celebration of GCSE results), while I stayed at home and looked after the dog and the fishtank. They also went to Canada in November 2013 to visit some potential universities (four universities in a 9 day trip, to Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton and Montreal - rather hectic, but very informative).

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